
You 2.0 Video Upgrade

Original price was: $19.90.Current price is: $1.99.

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You 2.0 upgrade is a complete done-for-you video program that virtually consists of everything you need to succeed, draw in boundless supply of abundance, free time and start getting everything you’ve ever wanted.

You’ll dive straight into first creating the NEW YOU, where you’ll go on an epic journey of self-discovery and dig deep to realize your greatest desires, passions and goals in life.

Then you’ll CREATE your very own success blueprint based on your unique personality specifically designed to map out the freedom and lifestyle you truly desire – on your own terms.

You’ll jump right into the fastlane with our cutting-edge and astonishing system to help ignite your hidden potential to get the results you want, FAST. 10x your growth.

You’ll find yourself thrilled with so much excitement and energy as you go through the entire session. This is customized to elicit almost immediate results, FAST.

And you’ll gain MASTERY of your inner world and realize how easy it’ll be to overcome adversity and crush your obstacles to the ground.

These 22-video series are the extension of the book version of You 2.0, so you’ll be able to learn more effectively and anywhere and anytime you desire! It will show you how to completely redesign your life and live your best year yet.

Topics covered within this course:

  • Defining Your Big Picture
  • Discovering Your Why
  • Unleashing Your Creative Powers
  • Creating Your Vision Board
  • Visualization Techniques
  • The Fundamentals Of Goal Setting
  • Succeeding At Goal Setting
  • Making Goals An Active Part Of Your Life
  • Increasing Time Management Skills
  • What is Your Definition of Success
  • Achievements Don’t Happen Overnight
  • Key Factors For Achievement
  • Motivators and Team Work
  • Achievement by Association
  • Rid Yourself of Negative People
  • Learning How To Overcome Self-Sabotage
  • Why Do We Procrastinate
  • How To Finish What Started
  • Why is Procrastination Destructive To Our Lives
  • What We Are Up Against
  • Useful Time-Management Series

Includes ready sales materials!


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You 2.0 Video Upgrade
Original price was: $19.90.Current price is: $1.99.
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