How to resell PLR courses?

How to resell PLR courses? Method for 2023

Why Do Other Top 1% of Instructors Only Work With Us To Resell Their PLR Courses?

During the last few years, we have tirelessly worked to build a network of top instructors who have been invited to license their teachings through our services. These top instructors who resell their PLR courses entrust their courses and reputations to us.

If you see the courses that are displayed on our website listed somewhere else, then remember that those websites are nothing but resellers of these courses. 

Throughout the years, several resellers have collaborated with us to market our content. However, we are the major organizers of the top instructors who can offer you the best PLR courses and allow you to white-label those courses and later become a reseller of them. Though all the licensing and sales are handled by our organization,

To check our PLR digital products out, please visit our digital shop here

How to resell PLR courses?

Learn More About Our 150+ PLR Business And Marketing Courses

  1. We have an elite network of instructors who constantly update the content of these courses, which means the content that you will purchase from us will never become outdated.
  1. For years, we have been trying to improve these courses based on students’ output, guaranteeing that the licensed content will keep improving over time since we are constantly trying to improve it.
  1. Ongoing assistance for you: From start to finish, I’ll be the person you’ll contact. We can set up an introductory conversation to assist you in choosing the best content for your requirements. You can also contact us if you have questions about the uploading procedure for these courses.
  1. Ongoing assistance for your students: As long as the number of queries doesn’t become overwhelming, we can answer them for your students. 

Visit Shop to get these PLR courses!

Why Can Our Business PLR Courses Be the Best Choice?

With over 10 years of experience in online education, our leading instructors have created the content for these courses. You can buy and resell these courses on any online education platform except for Udemy, as we have been selling these courses on Udemy already. You can white-label these courses and sell them on your website or any educational platform.

What Is The Procedure To License Our Courses?

  1. You can look over the courses in our catalog and let us know the course that you want to license.
  2. After the licensing process is done, you can get all the content within 24 business hours via Google Drive; usually, you can get the content within an hour.
  3. You can make modifications to the videos and alter the name, pricing, and description of the course.
  4. You can keep 100% of the revenue generated by the sales of your courses.
  5. We’ll keep selling these courses on our own website as well as on Udemy.

Ongoing support from me: We will assist you in creating your e-learning platform and will also be available for any kind of query. You will see no other PLR course supplier that will do this for their clients.

About the course update: When we make changes to the video in the future, we’ll make sure to upload these videos to the Dropbox folder that was shared with you right after you bought the courses. This will help you get all the latest updates. You will see that no other PLR provider does that.

Visit Shop to get these PLR courses!

Advantages of Buying These White Label Courses for Reselling

How to resell PLR courses in 2023?

When you purchase our PLR courses that have already been created and modified, you can readily resell them on your website, which saves you money, time, and effort that are needed to create a brand new educational course. This saves you a lot of time that can be invested to start a business from scratch, and you can start reselling these PLR courses as soon as you get the license.

One of the best advantages is that you can purchase these PLR courses to make instant revenue. Not only does it save time, but you can resell these standalone courses to your audiences and make cash in no time.

Selling one course can open up the gate for you to sell numerous other courses as well. Our content consists of a vast range of lessons, and if a student gets one course, he’ll definitely come back for more. This can help you continuously attract long-term customers who can get 5, 10, 15, or even 100 lessons from you!

Which PLR Courses Do We Offer for License?

The answer is yes. You can have access to more than 150 top-notch courses on our website. Our white-label courses consist of over 10,000 unbranded and unique videos that you can license. You can see all these PLR courses listed on our website.

If you find out that a certain topic is missing from our list, we oversee over 500 more online classes by our top instructors. You can email us and let us know the training topics that you are looking for, and we’ll provide you with top-quality video courses that will cover the needed topics.

Our courses include the most in-demand courses, including digital marketing, education, SEO marketing, Facebook marketing, business planning, business strategies, and much more. This e-learning content includes downloadable tools, quizzes, and practical tasks that result in an incredible learning experience.

Our list of the most in-demand PLR courses and topics includes:

Business and Money-Making

  • 21-Day Online Business Launch
  • 8 Days To Cash on the Internet
  • High Conversions Formula For JVZoo Sellers
  • Online Money Fast Track
  • The Real Truth About Multi-Level Marketing
  • Direct Response Site Design AudioBook and Ebook
  • Blogging Cash Formula
  • 40 Simple Hacks For Creating Content People Love To Read
  • 7 Ways To Get More Email Subscribers Fast
  • The Amazon Income Guide
  • PLR Genius
  • Getting Traffic From Google
  • EZ List Building
  • Buyer Keywords Profits Formula and more

Finances, Credit, and Wealth

  • Credit Repair Guide With Audio
  • Financial Mastermind
  • Cashing on Craigslist
  • Braving Budgets
  • Money Madness For The 21st Century
  • The Secrets To a Millionaire Mind
  • Debt Management
  • Wealthy: It Means More Than Just Money
  • Saving Time And Money For Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs
  • Organizing Your Debt and More

Psychology and self-help

  • 7 Simple Ways To Practice Being Present
  • The Stress Buster Guide
  • Everyday Hacks Habits
  • Techniques and Tips For Building Character
  • Confidence Unshakeable
  • 1 Percent Better Each Day
  • The Lost Art Of Being Present
  • The Lost Art Of Being Present Upgrade
  • Shaping Your Destiny
  • Productivity Without Pain
  • Harmonic Hypnotherapy
  • Dealing With Death
  • Effective Communication Strategies
  • Eliminating Anger
  • Channeling Chi
  • Breaking Bulimia
  • Sense Of Urgency
  • Overcome Phone Addiction and more

Pets and Other Animals

  • Curing Dog Separation Anxiety
  • Small Mammal Care Guide
  • Slithery Creature Care
  • Simple Dog Training
  • Training Techniques
  • Training Your Dog
  • Training Your Cat
  • How To Housetrain Any Dog
  • Healthy Homemade Dog Food
  • Dog Care Duty
  • Kitty Basics
  • How To Sell Pet Products
  • How To Potty Train Your Dog More Effectively
  • For The Love Of Pets
  • For The Love Of Dogs
  • Dog Potty Training and more

Travel and Lifestyle

  • Ultimate Lifestyle
  • The Travel Guide
  • How To Budget A Family Vacation
  • Dealing With Flying Naturally
  • Big Bundle of Live Footage Videos in Barcelona
  • Travel Affiliate Kit
  • Lifestyle Design
  • Lifestyle Design Upgrade
  • Off We Go Camping
  • Christmas Holiday Ideas For Fun And Celebrations
  • Backyard Entertaining & more

Health and Fitness

  • Eating Healthy
  • Whole Health
  • Natural Herbal Cures
  • Safety Soldier
  • Childhood Wellness
  • Weight Loss Kickstart
  • Weight-Loss Resolution Roadmap
  • Low-carb diets for fast weight Weight Loss
  • Nutritious Appetite
  • Extreme Health Resolution Secrets
  • Keto Truth
  • Top Ketogenic Foods and Recipes For Fat Loss
  • Ultimate Lifestyle
  • Detox Yourself 
  • Muscle Building 101 and more

Food and Drinks

  • Vegan Smoothies Vol. 2
  • 40 Vegan Smoothies, Vol. 1
  • The Power of Juices
  • 7 Super Foods For Vegan Athletes AudioBook and Ebook
  • 10-Minute Keto Recipes
  • A Healthy Guide To Eating
  • Simple Weight Loss Recipes
  • Intermittent Fasting Deciphered
  • Your Guide to Vegan Cooking
  • The Ultimate Vegetarian Cooking and Food Guide
  • The Big Book of Homemade Candy Recipes
  • Sugar: Is It the New Enemy?
  • Optimize Your Health With Omega 3 and more 

Parenting and Families

  • Empowering The Child
  • Childhood Wellness
  • Pregnancy Principles
  • Children’s Psychology
  • Communicating With Your Child
  • Communicating With Your Child Upgrade
  • Magazine Building Confidence For Kids
  • Men Have Labor Pains Too
  • Pregnancy
  • Youthful Water Safety
  • Youthful Water Safety Upgrade
  • Parent’s Guide To Drug Abuse Talks
  • Childhood Nutrition and more

Dating and Relationships

  • Getting Your Guy
  • Dating Do’s and Donts
  • Revive Your Relationships
  • Rekindling The Flame
  • Save Your Marriage
  • Broken Heart Survival Guide
  • After Breakup
  • Top Dating Tips For Women
  • Relationships Maintenance
  • Marriage-saving tips
  • Win Your Ex Back
  • So you want to break up?
  • Intimate Sexual Issues
  • Faith, Marriage, and more

Beauty and Fashion

  • Reverse Aging
  • Reverse Aging Upgrade
  • Natural Cellulite Solution
  • Anti-Aging Hacks
  • Anti-Aging Hacks Upgrade
  • How To Cure Acne
  • Anti-Aging Super Foods
  • Latest Fashion Fads
  • Fashion Inspirations
  • Skin Care Reports Special Offer Collection
  • Dealing With Skin Diseases and more

Crafts & Hobbies

  • Online Photography Guide
  • Organic Gardening Tips
  • Woodworking For Dummies
  • Coin Collecting For Profits
  • Purifying Plants
  • Pencil Drawing: The Beginners Guide
  • Art Collecting 101
  • Hobby Blogging Profits
  • Jewelry-making secrets
  • Newbies Guide To Online Hobby Profits
  • Classic Car Expertise
  • Candle-making basics
  • Stamp Collecting 101
  • Tattoo Designs and more

Home & Real Estate

  • Flip’ in Cash
  • Going Green Big Collection
  • Win The Foreclosure Battle
  • Remodeling Your Home Exterior
  • Property Value Boost
  • Saving Energy In Your Home
  • Making Profits Through Real Estate For Newbies
  • House Flipping Basics
  • Purifying Plants
  • Avoiding Major Mortgage Scams
  • Selling Real Estate and more


  • Education and Finance Aficionado
  • Pregnancy Principles
  • Write Your Way to Success
  • Financing Your Child’s School Year
  • Course Ninja
  • Getting Your Book Published
  • Black Mold
  • Connect With Your Higher Power
  • The Art of Astrology
  • Effortless Abundance
  • Dream Interpretation
  • Writing Your Own Book
  • Oneness Basics
  • Level Up Your Life
  • Choosing Technical Schools
  • Higher Power Peace
  • Scholarships and Study Aids
  • Mastery Over Self
  • Command Your Life And Mind
  • Learning Online and more

Sport & Outdoors

  • Off We Go Camping
  • Backyard Entertaining
  • 183 Baseball PLR Articles
  • Focus On Yachting
  • Winning A Soccer Game
  • The Complete Guide To Tobogganing
  • Mastering Skateboarding
  • Master Tennis
  • The Running Manual
  • The Running Manual Upgrade
  • In-Line Skating
  • Golf Guru
  • Golf Gift Ideas and more

Spirituality and Beyond Beliefs

  • Basic Reiki
  • Miracles In Your Life
  • Connect With Your Higher Power
  • The Art of Astrology
  • Dream Interpretation
  • Higher Power Peace
  • The Beginners Guide To Meditation
  • The Beginners Guide To Meditation Upgrade
  • Exploring Cupping Therapy Today
  • Exploring Cupping Therapy Today: Upgrade
  • Christ’s Consciousness and more

Additional 200 Computer and Technology PLR Courses Available for White Label and Resell

How to resell PLR courses?

Apart from our hot-selling Education PLR course, our top instructors excel at teaching computers, programming, and technology, which is why we have a huge number of these courses listed on our website.

Here are some of the computer and technology PLR courses available for licensing:

  • Desktop Virtualization
  • 100 Software Creation Ideas
  • Spyware Removal Tricks and Advice
  • Screencast University
  • Malware Protection and Removal
  • People of the Web vs. Spyware
  • The Beginners Guide To Programming
  • Software Development Mastery
  • Protecting Your Computer From Viruses
  • Computer Virus
  • Computers and Technology
  • IT Essentials And Data Recovery For Online Businesses
  • Internet Security For Kids
  • Internet Security For Kids Upgrade
  • Capture Your Screen With Snagit
  • Capture Your Screen With Snagit Upgrade
  • Beating Spyware And Malware on Your System
  • All About Identity Theft
  • Account Security Lockdown
  • Account Security Lockdown Upgrade
  • 5 Simple Ways To Secure Your WordPress Site
  • WP Training Kit
  • WP Training Kit Upgrade
  • HTML For Beginners
  • Computer Network Concepts
  • Cloud Computing Secrets
  • WordPress Success

What Does It Mean to White Label Courses for Reselling?

In order to white-label any e-learning course, you must obtain the PLR course from the original instructor of that course. After that, you can easily just change the logo and brand it as your own course. You can sell it to your learners as if it were created by you and get all the profit.

The approach for white-label courses is the same as that for regular courses, apart from the fact that you can’t white-label the instructor. No one wants to learn from an instructor with no name because someone has to teach the learners.

Our instructors are one of the top instructors, so you can also use it as a selling point, as that will offer credibility and build trust for your PLR courses. As a result, when you buy the courses from us, your business will gain more credibility because of the reputable instructor who will be teaching the students.

Why White Label Courses Are The Most Affordable Options

How to resell PLR courses?

In order to create and teach video training, the following are musts for you:

  • Highly-priced audio and video equipment
  • Knowledge about how to shoot and edit videos effectively
  • It can take weeks or even months to create videos for one or a few classes.
  • Hiring employees and freelancers
  • You might need a few months to collect student input to revise your courses.

After buying lessons from us you will get all the PLR courses within a span of a few hours. Furthermore, all these courses were created by top instructors who are qualified in their respective fields and are constantly struggling to improve them. You just have to count the cash; everything else will be done by us. 

How to Launch Your Own E-learning Website

How to resell PLR courses?

The e-learning industry is one of the most rapidly developing, profitable, and well-known internet enterprises these days. One of the best ways to make revenue out of this industry is to sell online classes and video training to the audience. If you want to excel in the e-learning industry, selling video courses is an effective way to make your mark as a beginner. 

After licensing PLR courses, you can make your debut in this industry, and it can save you the hassle of recording, shooting, hiring, and editing videos for months. You can make a profit overnight by reselling our course after licensing these white-label courses.

It is extremely challenging for the new instructors to create training videos that answer all the queries and cover popular topics thoroughly. Even after they create the videos, it is difficult for them to sell because most of their time is consumed in shooting and editing the training videos. 

To help you overcome these challenges, we are here to assist you and address all your queries related to starting an e-learning platform and creating video content. After reselling one course, you will master the art of selling it, which can help you sell 25, 30, or even 100 courses.

What Is the Difference Between PLR Courses, White Label Courses, Private Label Courses, and Affiliate Courses?

When we talk about PLR courses, white-label courses, or private-label courses, it’s actually the same thing with slight variances, because once you purchase these courses, you can resell them. However, there is a slight difference when it comes to white-label products and white-label video courses. In terms of products, you can brand those products as your own, whereas in terms of video courses, our instructors might appear in the video lectures, so in this case, you can also say that you have collaborated with our organization. This can help you develop your credibility by leveraging our existing personal brand.

After paying a one-time price, you will be able to sell these courses as your own. You will have all the rights and permissions to resell these PLR courses on your website. Also, you can keep 100% of the revenue for yourself. That’s even better than an affiliate program where you have to get a certain percentage of commission, i.e., Udemy offers a 25% commission every time someone purchases your courses.

With a PLR license, you can get the course at a considerably lower cost compared to when you start the film from scratch and hire someone to edit, shoot, and compile it for you. Furthermore, if you get a PLR license, you can start selling your courses in no time, rather than months and weeks.

Another benefit of getting a PLR license for professional courses is that you can gain the authority of an expert instructor, saving money and time. Our organization consists of numerous top instructors who are well-known in the fields of entrepreneurship and online education. This will help you use our online brand and boost your sales to another level. You can browse our website to see online training videos and books that can boost your business.

License Our Books to Resell

In addition to getting PLR video courses, we also have 20 business and marketing books that you can resell under your brand name. Another alternative is that you can give these books as a free gift as a content marketing strategy and get your customer’s email addresses. You can see the list of all the PLR ebooks available for licensing on our website. These books include business planning, mobile apps, marketing, productivity, and other business fundamentals. 

All our books are of top-notch quality, so you don’t have to worry about anything before employing them in your business. Though we can’t PLR license any article or blog post, if you want to create one, you can take out the individual chapters from our books, convert them into articles, and later share them on your e-learning platform. 

Custom Online Courses Designed For You

We have over 8 years of experience in creating video training courses. We understand how to create exceptional video training courses that capture the attention of audiences, and we would love to help you create a customized online course that you can later white-label as your own. 

Just bear in mind that getting custom online courses designed for you can be an expensive option as compared to getting pre-made e-learning courses available on our website. So initially, you can browse the content available on our website that can meet your requirements. And only ask for custom courses if you cannot find a course that meets your needs. 

Make Your Own Membership Website

After licensing the content, you can create your own membership website and sell the courses in a variety of ways. First, you can use snippets and teasers of the content as a lead magnet and get the email addresses of the customers. You can also directly sell these PLR courses on your membership website and make money out of it.

The nicest aspect of getting our content is that you don’t have to spend time developing content every month. You can also resell these courses by running a digital marketing campaign via social media, webinars, etc. Or you can also offer a course bundle that will help you make sales rapidly.

Now On The Market: Franchise Our Elearning Business

You can have an e-learning business built from the ground up for you.

You can create your own e-learning site; you can purchase the courses from us and sell them as yours. You will get complete coaching from us until you’re self-sufficient. Here you can discover more about the franchise options for starting your own e-learning firm. You can set up everything, and then you are ready to go in as little as one month. 

Create An E-learning Platform For You

We can assist you in developing a complete online education business. We can set up everything that you need: a domain name, website hosting, a membership website, learning tools, and white-label courses that you can resell on your website under your own brand name.

Common Platforms For Elearning

You can use common e-learning platforms such as Teachable, Thinkific, Kajabi, or other e-learning LMS (learning management system) tools. We’ll develop a complete white-label platform for you after you choose the white-labeling option. All you have to do is select a PLR course from our website.

How extensive are the courses?

Our PLR video courses range from 30 minutes to up to 20 hours. Most of the courses last up to 2–3 hours and are available in the form of 4–60 separate sessions. However, computer and technology training courses are usually longer as compared to business and marketing, but that is not always the case!

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